Is it Time
For You To Sell Your House in Pointer
Ridge Bowie?
The real estate market in Pointer Ridge Bowie
is very active with many homes selling
for near or higher than the asking price. If you have been thinking of selling
your house in Pointer
Ridge in Bowie this may be a great time to explore the opportunities
available for home owners in Pointer Ridge Bowie.
Pointer Ridge
area in Bowie is a very desirable area for
many first time home buyers looking to get into detached house in Bowie and also for home
owners looking to downsize. The style of homes available in Pointer Ridge Bowie
varies from one level ranchers, two level cape cods and two level colonials.
Many of the houses build in this part of Bowie do not have
basement which makes it very manageable for home buyers that don't want to deal
with lots of steps but also have lots of space. The average home in Pointer
Ridge Bowie usually have about 0.3
acres which is a lot of space considering that many new homes are usually
smaller in acreage.
The average home
prices in Pointer Ridge, Bowie is $268,900, currently there are 21 homes in
the market in Pointer Ridge, and 7 of these homes are under contract.
Homes in Pointer Ridge, Bowie are selling in average of 28 days with
many selling for about 95.75% of the asking price.
If you are thinking that now is time to sell
your house in Pointer Ridge Bowie, there are few things to before putting your
house up for sale.
- First you need to get the current value of
your house
in Pointer Ridge. We can provide you the Home Value Estimator for your
Pointer Ridge Bowie house and also what you can do to increase the value of
your house.
- Secondly look around your house and determine
what repairs you will need to make. Remember is always a good idea to do
glaring home repairs before putting your house on the market.
Below some recently sold homes in Pointer
Ridge Bowie.
If you are looking to sell your Bowie house call me for a free market
analysis of your home's current value. If you are looking to
buy a house in Bowie, I'd be happy to give a free consultation, of what
homes are available in Bowie.
Keji Ogunleye , Associate Broker - Licensed in Maryland & Virginia,
Fairfax Realty, Inc
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