Homes Recently Sold in Pointer Ridge Bowie zip code 20716
Talk to real estate professional about homes in Pointer
Ridge Bowie homes or other parts of Bowie :
Call us at 301-613-2043
If you have a home in Pointer Ridge Bowie and will like to get the current estimate
value of your home click here for home value estimator
The median home prices in Pointer Ridge is $316,500 , higher
than the national average of $179,100. Homes in Pointer ridge appreciated by
8.2% in the last 10 years, higher than city of Bowie overall average of 7.7%
The median age of homes is 46 years old ,lower than city of Bowie of 30 yrs old. The
percentage of owner occupied homes in Pointer ridge is 94.0% ,higher than national
average of 57.3%. Only 1.4% of homes are vacant in Pointer ridge ,
significantly lower than city of Bowie
average of 4.5%
Homes recently sold in Pointer Ridge are selling in average of 28 days with many
selling for about 95.75% of the asking price.
Below are recently sold homes in Pointer Ridge Bowie.
There are currently 13 homes for sale in Pointer Ridge ,
with 7 under contract within 30 days. The market condition in Pointer Ridge
make it an ideal time to sell with many homes getting close to the asking
It is the Perfect Time to Move-Up
If you have a house in Pointer Ridge is it time to sell or
move up? With home prices where they are and interest rates at all time low,
there may have been never a better time to move-up into your dream home.
To get started get our Free Home Selling Guide to get tips
on how to how to prepare house for sale to get maximum price when ready to sell and adding value to home in preparation for sale.
To get started get our Free Home Selling Guide to get tips
on how to how to prepare house for sale to get maximum price when ready to sell and adding value to home in preparation for sale.
Looking to move Bowie ?
Consider Pointer Ridge community ,with many amenities nearby and close
proximity to schools and shopping Pointer ridge is an ideal location for first
time home buyers.
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Keji & Associates of Fairfax Realty is a team of
licensed agents working daily to get homes sold for our clients in Bowie , Silver Spring and
other parts of the DC metropolitan area. We delight our clients by delivering
world class service every step of the way and we strive to create a win-win
situation. This is all part of our values and beliefs. Contact us @
301-613-2043, email or visit our website .
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